Ideally this would be best with at least 4 kids. This math game works good in a classroom or group scenario. It was an easy way to practice math facts on the go. We used the envelopes when we’ve traveled. Cardboard or fabric used or hung vertically.

This continues until we’ve gone through all the flashcards from 0-12.

When it’s time for me to go over the pile with her, I will mix into the pile the previously mastered flashcards of the same color. The next day I give her the next times table. I put any that I feel she doesn’t know as well in a separate pile to go over with her again. I go through this new multiplication and division flashcard pile with her. So for the 5 times table, it would be the same color flashcards with the divisor of 5. Then I add the division flashcards to her pile and shuffle them together. When she feels confident, she lets me know. She continues this way until she thinks she knows the times table well. If she doesn’t, she looks at the answer on the back, and puts the card in a separate pile. She will go through the pile and if she knows the answer fairly quickly she puts the card in one pile. The first day I gave her the 5 times table multiplication flashcards to master independently.

Use them with multiplication flashcards.
#How to change double sided printing windows 8.1 how to
Here are some ideas on how to use division flashcards: I’ve been using these printable math flash cards to help my 5th grader master these basic division facts. Once the flashcards have completed printing, cut them out along the lines.